One thing I haven't put on here is a Sunday lunch. Now every Sunday is of course a feast of our Lord's resurrection, and this should probably be celebrated and remembered more regularly. So I thought I'd do a nice seasonal lunch.
I bought runner beans, and broad beans, and peas (the latter two in their pods!) and then some gem lettuce. This suggested a classic - Petits Pois à La Française... only with some broad beans and runner beans added.
I served them with roast guinea fowl, bacon and whole roasted new potatoes. I then followed it with a crumble made with new season rhubarb, apples and blackberries and topped with an almond and vanilla sugar crumble and custard.
Petits Pois (and other things) à La Française
A couple of leeks, sliced
Around 200 grams of shucked peas
100 grams of podded broad beans, blanch them and skin them too
200 grams of runner beans, sliced thinly
Two little gem lettuces, outer leaves removed, cut in half
A little mint
A little butter
A little water
Half a pint of double cream
Melt the butter, add the vegetables (apart from the lettuce) and soften a little. Now add a little water (really not much) and bring to a simmer. Add the mint and lettuce. Simmer/steam for ten to 15 minutes. Gently remove the lettuce to a dish and drain the vegetables, reserving the cooking water.
Heat the cooking water with the cream and reduce a little, then return the vegetables to the pan to heat through. Remove them with a slotted spoon to a serving dish. Put the lettuce on top, and pour the cream sauce over them.
NB this recipe adapted from Jennifer Paterson's, with addition of broad beans, runner beans and leeks.